Secret Of Monkey Island, The CHEAT MODE: This cheat (if you can call it that) is prety useless, but try it anyhow. Press [Ctrl] and [W] to win the game and skip to the ending. THE SECRET OF MONKEY ISLAND - COMPLETE SOLUTION =============================================== Part One - The Three Trials --------------------------- Getting your gear for the trials You will start the adventure at the lookout point above the town The lookout tells you where to go to begin your quest. To start off, WALK right along the dock to the Scumm Bar. OPEN the door and WALK in. WALK TO the red curtain and TALK TO the important looking pirates. Tell them you want to be a pirate and get them to tell you about the three trials before you leave. OPEN the door to the right. The cook will tell you that you`re not allowed in. Wait for him to come out and walk off the screen to the left, then WALK in. Pick up the hunk of meat and the pot, OPEN the door on the right and go outside. WALK TO the end of the jetty to make the seagull fly away, then quickly PICK UP the fish before he returns. Go back out to the street, WALK TO the cliffside and WALK right to the path. Go to the clearing in the middle of the island and WALK left to the circus tent. Interrupt the Fettuccine brother`s chat and ask them how much they`ll pay you to do the stunt. Agree to their offer and tell them you have a helmet. Use the pot and you will find the trick will be performed. Talk to the brothers to indicate you`re OK and then when you leave the tent WALK back to the path. Go back to the village and WALK through the archway to the main street. TALK TO the citizen of Melee, and when he asks you about Sven, say that you know someone called Dominique. Tell him you`ll take the map then leave him. OPEN the door to the Voodoo Shop and go inside. PICK UP the chicken which is lying on the trunk and LOOK AT it before going back out to the street. WALK TO the archway under the clock and WALK TO the alley where the `Psssst` is coming from. A man will appear and hassle you. Answer his questions and he will introduce himself as the sheriff before leaving. Go back to the street, OPEN the door to the shop and WALK in. PICK UP the shovel and the sword and TALK TO the storekeeper. Tell him you want the sword and he shovel, then browse. Leave the shop and WALK out past the cliffside to the path Completing the Trials Go to the house at the far right of Melee Island. You will be stopped at the bridge by a troll. Give the fish to the troll and he will let you pass. Continue the journey to the house and try to OPEN the door. Guybrush will knock and a man will answer. Ask him to train you to be the best swordfighter on Melee Island and insist that you have what it takes. Let him have 30 pieces of eight and show him your sword when he asks. He`ll invite you in and start the lesson. Once training is finished, you will need to learn some insults. WALK TO the path and go to the junction just to the left of the fork. This is where you will have most chance of a scrap. Keep fighting pirates that come along to collect insults and their replies. If you have an insult, but don`t know the answer then use it, since the responses are the important thing! At some point you will be told that you are good enough to fight the Sword Master. You`re not! Get as many of the 20 responses to insults as you can before you stop fighting. When you`re ready, go to the fork to enter the forest. WALK into the back of the screen and PICK UP the yellow plants. Wander around the forest until you come to a chasm with a signpost next to it. PUSH the sign to make the bridge appear, then cross it. WALK TO the right and TALK TO the Sword Master. Tell her that you`ve come to kill her and the fight will start. The insults that the Sword Master throws at you are different to the ones you have, but you need to use the same replies. When the Sword Master is defeated, she will give you a 100% cotton T-Shirt. LOOK AT it to see your prize. You can now use the Sword Master`s insults on anyone you fight to win easily, but you don`t need to get into a swordfight from now on. WALK TO the fork to get into the forest again and LOOK AT the map for the directions to the treasure. Although they look like dance steps, they are instructions. Back means into the back of the screen, while left and right mean off the screen in that direction. Once you find the treasure clearing WALK TO the right and USE the shovel on the X. LOOK AT the T-Shirt to see your prize and WALK TO the left to get back to the road. Go to the village and WALK TO the town itself and WALK through the archways towards the Governor`s mansio. USE the yellow petal on the hunk of meat and GIVE the now-formed meat with condiment to the deadly piranha poodles. When the poodles pass out you can OPEN the door and WALK in. OPEN the door just to the right of the front door and WALK in. A surreal fight sequence will then unfold giving you some items. WALK back out of the front door and back to the town. WALK into the jail and TALK TO the prisoner. Go back out to the street and go into the shop. TALK TO the storekeeper and ask him for a breath mint, then leave the shop. WALK back to the jail and GIVE the breath mints to the prisoner. Ask him if he has a file, then GIVE him the gopher repellent. When you have the cake, go back to the street, WALK back to the Governor`s mansion then go in. OPEN the cake to find a file and WALK TO the gaping hole. The fight will continue until your eventually emerge with the fabulous idol. The sheriff will stop you asking what you`re doing with it. Answer him and the Governor will appear sending him away. Chat to the Governor (well, sort of chat) and WALK TO the front door when she leaves. OPEN the door to find the sheriff. When you answer him, he will take you and throw you off the dock. Starting the Quest When you appear underwater, PICK UP the idol. You will then collect the sword and climb back up to the dock. The lookout then arrives to tell you that the Governor has been kidnapped. Ask him about it and he will give you a note from LeChuck telling you what`s happening. WALK right to the Scumm Bar and go in. PICK UP all the mugs and WALK TO the red curtain. PICK UP the other mugs, then TALK TO the cook. Ask him what`s wrong and get him to tell you where to get a (much needed) ship. OPEN the kitchen door and go in. The next sequence has to be done pretty speedily. USE the mug on the barrel and zoom off to the jail. The grog will eat through the mugs, consequently at various points on the trip, USE the disintergrating mug of grog on one of the empty mugs. When you get to the jail, USE the mug of grog on the lock so that the prisoner is let free. When you try to convince him to join your crew he will run away, but don`t worry! WALK back out to the street and out to the cliffside, then WALK TO the path. Go to the shore at the top of the island. When the screen with the neon sign appears, USE the rubber chicken on the cable to get across the gap, OPEN the door to the house and WALK in. Meathook will appear telling you he doesn`t like visitors. Tell him the Governor`s been kidnapped and you should get a crew and rescue her. Meathook will give you a test to prove your worth. When Meathook has opened all the barries and runs away, OPEN the little door and TICKLE the winged devil. Meathook will agree to be in your crew. USE the rubber chicken on the cable to get back across the gap and WALK TO the path. Go to the Sword Master`s and TALK TO her. Get her to join your crew simply be telling her that the Govenor`s been kidnapped, then WALK back to the path. Go to the lights, which are actually Stan`s Used Ship Emporium. Stan will approach and start his sales pitch. Say you don`t have much money and tell him you want credit. He`ll turn you down. Say you want to think about it and try to leave the yard. Stan will stop you and give you a card and a magnetic compass. Go to the village and WALK to the shop. TALK TO the storekeeper, telling him you want a credit note. Say that you are employed and he will get the note from the safe. Make a careful note of the combination! Whatever job you tell him you`re doing he won`t believe you and will put the note back (last chance to get the combination!). Say you`re looking for the Sword Master to send him away. WALK TO the safe. Using PULL to move the handle anti-clockwise and PUSH to move it clockwise, enter the combination to open the safe and get the credit note. Go outside and return to Stan`s Boat Yard. Ask to see the cheap ship again and say that you have a credit note. The negotiating will now start. Talk about the extras and say that you can live without each one until the first one appears again. At this point say that you`ve heard enough about the extras. Ask Stan how much he thinks the ship`s worth, then say you don`t want it after all. Say you guess he`s right when he calls you back. Ask him what he thinks it`s worth again, then make him an offer of 5000 pieces of eight. He`ll then sell you the ship. Leave the yard and then go back to the village. WALK TO the dock to meet Stan with your ship. He will give you some literature to use later on in the adventure. Greet your crew when they arrive and then it`s off on the big adventure! Part Two - The Journey ---------------------- Once the crew have made their posistion clear and you retire to the cabin, OPEN the desk drawer and LOOK AT the contents. LOOK AT the book to read it. PICK UP the feather pen and ink, then WALK TO the door to get to the deck. WALK TO the rope ladder and PICK UP the Jolly Rodger when you have climbed to the top. Go back down to the deck and go down to the hatch. WALK TO the door to get to the galley. PICK UP the pot and OPEN the cupboard. PICK UP the cereal and open it to get the prize. LOOK AT the prize and you will see that it`s a small key. WALK back up the ladder and WALK TO the hatch to go down into the hold. OPEN the chest on the right and LOOK AT it to get the fine wine. PICK UP the giant piece of rope and OPEN the kegs on the left to get some gunpowder. Now go back out to the deck. WALK back to the cabin and USE the small key on the cabinet. OPEN the chest inside to get a piece of paper and some cinnamon sticks. LOOK AT the piece of paper to read the recipe, then WALK back on deck and go to the galley again. USE the cinnamon sticks, the Jolly Rodger, the rubber chicken, the fine wine, the breath mints, the piece of paper and the gunpowder with the cooking pot. The pot will then go bang and start to steam, which makes you pass out. When you wake up, go to the deck to discover that you are at Monkey Island. Go back down to the hold and OPEN the kegs again to get some more gunpowder from the kegs, then return to the deck. USE the gunpowder in the cannon nozzle and the giant piece of rope with the cannon to form a fuse. Go back down to the gallery and USE the feather pen with the red hot fire to form a flaming mass. Return to the deck, USE the flaming mass with the fuse, and USE the pot. The cannon will then fire you onto the shore of Monkey Island. Part Three - Under Monkey Island -------------------------------- After Herman walks away, WALK TO the jungle to see the map of the island. Go to the river fork in the middle of the island and WALK TO the footholds across the river. PUSH the rock off the edge and lawks! Your ship will be sunk! But don`t worry. Pull the primitive art twice, then WALK to the next set of footholds to get to the top of the rock tower. If Herman appears, just say anything and he`ll walk away. PUSH the rock off the edge. The rock should hit the banana tree on the beach. WALK back down to the river fork and return to the jungle. Go off to the left and go to the fort on the edge of the volcano. PICK UP the spyglass and the rope and PUSH the cannon. When Herman appears, say that you think a monkey did it. Ask him a question, then leave the conversation. PICK UP the cannonball and the gunpowder and WALK back to the jungle. Go back to the river fork and PICK UP the note under the rock. LOOK AT the noteworthy rock to get a piece of flint. USE the handful of gunpowder with the dam, then USE the flint with the cannonball. The dam will burst and the water will carry you along, Go to the pond at the end of the river and PICK UP the rope by the unhealthy looking man. When Herman leaves, WALK back to the jungle and WALK to the crack. USE the rope with the strong branch on the edge of the crack and WALK down to the next ledge. USE the other rope with the sturdy stump and PICK UP the oars. WALK back to the jungle and return to the beach where you first landed. PICK UP the bananas and USE the oars with the rowboat. Paddle to the right, around the headland and up to the beach near the top of the island. WALK TO the jungle and go to the village. WALK TO the hut on the far left and PICK UP the bowl of fruit to get the bananas. As you try to leave the village, the cannibals will stop you and try to get you to give them an offering. GIVE them anything, but they won`t except it and will lock you in a hut. PICK UP the skull on the floor and OPEN the loose floorboard underneath. WALK TO the hole to escape. Get back to the boat and paddle back to the island with the banana tree. WALK TO the jungle and go to the monkey. GIVE him the bananas and LOOK AT him until he looks happy, then he`ll folow you. WALK back to the jungle and go to the clearing on the headland to the right. WALK TO the right until you reach the totem poles. PULL the nose on the left-hand totem pole and WALK TO the gate that opens. The gate closes again, but the monkey will swing on the nose, keeping the gate open. WALK TO the gigantic monkey head and PICK UP the wimpy little idol. Then go back to the jungle and go on back to your boat. Paddle round to the beach at the top and go to the village again. WALK TO the hut on the left, then WALK back to the right. The cannibals will stop you again and try to get you to give them something, so GIVE them the wimpy little idol. WALK TO the hut on the left and go in. PICK UP the banana picker and go outside. As you head to the village you will meet Herman. GIVE him the banana picker and he will give you the monkey-head key. Go to your boat and paddle round to the beach just next to the headland. Go to the clearing and WALK TO the gigantic monkey head. USE the monkey-head key in the gigantic monkey ear to make the head open. Go to your boat, paddle to the top beach and go to the village to meet the now friendly natives. Tell them there is something they can do for you and you are looking for someone dead. They`ll tell you about their magic potion. Say you are going to kick LeChuck out. The natives will stop you, so get them to tell you about the head of the navigator. GIVE the leaflet to the natives and they will give you the head and the necklace. Go back to your boat and paddle back to the beach. Go to the clearing, WALK TO the gigantic monkey head and go in. WALK to the right until you get to the next cave, then USE the head of the navigator. WALK through the catacombs, following the direction that the head looks until you reach LeChuck`s ghost ship. TALK TO the head of the navigator and ask him for the necklace. Keep pleading with him until he gives it to you then USE the necklace to make yourself invisible. WALK TO the ghost ship and WALK TO the door over to the left. USE the magnetic compass with the key then WALK back to the deck. WALK down the hatch and WALK TO the passage on the right. PICK UP the ghost feather which is by the ghost chickens and then go back through the passage. USE the feather on the sleeping ghost crewman`s feet and PICK UP the jug-o` grog he drops. Go through the passage and USE the key on the hatch. WALK TO the hatch and USE the jug o` grog with the dish. PICK UP the cooking grease and go back up to the deck. USE the glob of grease on the door on the right to stop it squeaking, then OPEN it and go in. PICK UP the ghost tools and go back to the deck. Go down the hatch and through the passage, USE the tools on the glowing crate to get the voodoo root. Then go back to the cave and WALK off to the left. You will now appear back at the village. Have a chat to the three-headed monkey (eh?) while the natives mix your potion, then WALK back to the jungle. You will appear in the cave next to a ghost. Ask him what happened and about the wedding, then get ready to go. Your crew should now appear and you can go back to your ship to leave Monkey Island. Part Four - Guybrush Kicks Butt ------------------------------- WALK off the dock and you will be assailed by a ghost. Offer him root beer and he`ll get zapped. WALK TO the town and WALK up to the grim spectre. Tell him you`ve some magic root beer to blast him. WALK to the church, OPEN the door and WALK in. Say "Stop the wedding" and when LeChuck threatens you say "Take This!". The Governor will appear, try to see what`s going on. Say "Take This!" to find that you`re seltzer is jammed when LeChuck threatens you again. LeChuck will belt you and you will land in the grog machine in Stan`s boatyard. When LeChuck shakes you out of the machine, pick up the bottle of root beer. As soon as you have the bottle, USE it on LeChuck, and you can be reunited with the Governor.